Public Policy
"to participate in and contribute to the policy process"
Public policy represents understanding the various dimensions of public policy problems, the processes, and identifying relevant stakeholders and their relationship to the issues​.
Budget Analysis Alaska Vs RI
This paper compares:
The largest state in the US, Alaska's and the smallest state Rhode Island's budgets
Taxes on the production of natural resources allows Alaska to forgo personal income tax
The effect of resources on the respective state policy
Rhode Island is more transparent. The budgeting process is more inclusive by holding 2 separate open town hall meetings. Alaska limits questions to phone calls or emails.
Women's Reproductive Freedom
Understanding Policy
​This policy memo demonstrates
How policy on reproductive rights has changed over time
Identifying interest groups
Threat to Roe v Wade
Effects on maternal and family economic and health
Elimination of federal funding jeopardizes women of color ages 15-24 who live below poverty level
Offering solutions and analyzing feasibility